"A Weekend of Races"[Online Registration]Ready...Set....GO! Gentlemen...start your engines! AND their OFF!Let’s see now...a three legged race, a car race and of course a horse race! What do they all have in common? Well...the Maryland "Weekend of Races" Samboree of course!!!!!! That’s right! This May we will have races, races and more races. You’ll see checkered flags, race courses, trophies, start/finish lines, "tracks" and just about anything else you can think of that goes along with racing!!!! Yep...even CRABS! What would a Maryland "Weekend of Races" be without crab races? So, lube up those aching joints, put on your racing shoes, bring your scooters, bicycles, "horses," race cars, wagons and a partner for the three legged race. We are going to have a great weekend full of activities that everyone can join in and have fun doing. No one will be left out...young, old, handicapped, healthy, sitting, standing, crawling...everyone will be able to participate in something! And have fun doing it all. Has anyone seen a bed race yet? You just might see one in Maryland! Oh yes...and a bathtub race too! There will be entertainment for you to enjoy in the evenings, hospitality in the mornings, games to play, contests to compete in, activities to enjoy, tours to take, a flea market, the famous ice cream social, a full breakfast to eat and lots of fun to be had! The children/teen program will be "off and running" too and probably giving some of us "old" folks a real run for our money!!! I can see it now...old vs. young, big vs. little, tall vs. short and anything in between too. What a great way for us to intermingle with the kids and have some fun getting to know them better. Bring your kids, grandkids, great grandkids, nephews, nieces, cousins, brothers, sisters and friends! Challenge them to defeat some of us "oldies" in a good clean race and let’s laugh with them! Make your plans now to join us at the Maryland "Weekend of Races" May 25-28, 2007 with early bird on the 24th. And the winner is........everyone that attends! Use our easy online registration form.