Scrapbook 4 of 4

If you have photos to share - e-mail us the .jpg files.

Opening Ceremonies

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Crowd Pleasure
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May Samboree 85'
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Rocky Sams, Rookies, Traveling Americans
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Out of State Directors
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Homar and Hazel Cook 1984
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May Samboree 85'


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Spats "The Lost Vaudevillian"
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Knight Train
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So Md Sound- barbershop group
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Gerald Goodwin
elvis.jpg (14900 bytes)
Elvis Look-a-Like Contest
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Mike Bishop & Sweet 'n' Sassy


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Jane-Foothill Campers teaches "Train"
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Making plastic ring "snowflakes"
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Arts & Crafts/Flea Market & Chapter Raffles
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Brown Bag Auction - Proceeds to Dog for the Deaf
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Friendly MD Travelers in Chapter Parade
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Bill "Bam Bam" in Chapter Parade
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Whipped Cream Pie Eating Contest
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pie pnd
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Bubble Gum Bubble Contest

Fun For Children

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Wanda hosts Hula Hoop Game
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Young people games
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Children are kept busy too

Adult Games

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Foothill Campers Host Adult Miniature Golf
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Horseshoe Competition Winners
Go Ms. Estherrun that scooter through the course.jpg (105959 bytes)
Go Ms. Esther run that scooter through the course
Ooooh LaLa ready for the hula contest
Ooooh lala, ready for the hula contest


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Friendly MD Travelers Host Bicycle Safety
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Clair Martin-
Care and Feeding of Diesel Engines

Sight Seeing

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We visited the Charles County Farm Museum
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McConchie One Room School